Haxby & Wigginton Youth & Community Association is a Company Limited by Guarantee and a registered charity, which is governed by the Memorandum and Articles of Association being incorporated on 14th June 2004.

We are led by a team of trustees who meet every 1-2 months and who report back to members and the public annually. To see our past Annual Reports, you can visit our Charity Commission submissions here.

A summary of the Charity’s objectives are:

• To promote the benefit of all inhabitants of Haxby and Wigginton without any discrimination, by associating together with the local authorities and voluntary organisations, in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interest of social welfare, for recreation and leisure-time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants and in particular for young people.

• To establish a community building (Oaken Grove Community Centre) and to manage and maintain it in good order in furtherance of these objects.

• To promote other charitable purposes for the furtherance of the above.  The full wording is available from the Centre Office.


To download a copy of the minutes from our most recent AGM please click here.